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Meet Your Program Instructors: SK Mock Trial Institute, Summer 2024

Updated: Aug 15

SK Mock Trial: Meet Your Program Instructors!

Over the course of this year's SK Mock Trial Institute, students will be honing their legal skills, enhancing their understanding of the judicial system, and mastering the art of argumentation. This journey would not be possible without our program instructors, each of whom has a robust background in mock trial and legal research.

Somya Singh

Somya Singh

Somya Singh is an incoming freshman at Pomona College intending to major in economics and environmental analysis on the pre-law track. Somya discovered her passion for law while joining her school’s Mock Trial Team. She has experience with being an opening, general, and closing attorney. She was a runner up in the international Mock On Tournament of the Champions as a closing attorney her junior year. She is eager to share her insight with students in how courtrooms work, critical thinking when handling objections, crafting statement.

Sammy Guerrero

Sammy Guerrero

Sammy Guerrero is an incoming student at Georgetown Law School. He recently graduated from Harvard College, where he earned degrees in Biology and Government. During his time at Harvard, Sammy served as Director General of Harvard Model UN's Boston conference, overseeing the organization of one of the most prestigious MUN conferences in the world. Sammy is excited to share insights with students based on his experience as a delegate throughout his own high school MUN career, his time as HMUN DG, and his research focus in national security law.


To hear more about our instructors, their teaching philosophies, and how mock trial has impacted their own lives, see more of our mock trial and summer programs blog posts!



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