So how can you graduate early?
The math is pretty simple. A typical college load is four classes a semester, so in a year you're likely to take eight classes. To graduate a year early, you need to acquire eight classes worth of credit. You can do this a few ways:
Take as many AP courses as you can. If you score 4s or 5s on the AP exam, most colleges will give you course credit. In many cases, even a score of 3 will earn credit.
If you have the option of an International Baccalaureate program, you can often earn college credit if you score well on your IB exams.
If your high school has dual enrollment options with a local college, the credits you earn will often transfer to your undergraduate institution.
Take all available placement exams when you arrive at college. Many colleges offer placement exams in subjects like language, math, and writing. If you can place out of a few requirements, you'll be in a better position to graduate early.
Take community college courses for general education classes like writing, history, or introduction to psychology. Course credits will often transfer. Summer, even the summer before college, is a good time to rack up credits. Be sure to check with your college's Registrar first to make sure the course credits will transfer.
If you plan to study abroad, pick your program carefully. You'll need to transfer credits back to your college, so you want a program where all of your course work is going to count towards graduation.
Take the maximum number of credits allowed when you're in college. If you have a strong work ethic, you can pack more into a semester than the average student. By doing so, you'll fulfill all of your academic requirements sooner.
With some professional programs such as engineering and education, graduating early is rarely an option (in fact, often students end up taking more than four years).