What You Shouldn’t Miss In Your Supplemental Essays
Admissions officers are trained to look for the "fit." Remember this: The ad-com dude wants to help you, but only if you help him....
Personal essay... WTF, I hate writing, and brainstorming!
This process can be a LOT more fun than most students make it out to be. They try too hard to impress the Admissions Officer. All I want...
Write like a journalist: Persuasive Writing 101
A few tips :-) Begin early! You should start developing a personal statement and trying out topic ideas. Exact essay topics can be...
Intellectual curiosity, what?
Admissions officers often value intellectual curiosity above all other traits. Intellectual curiosity is the desire to learn because of...
What did you do last summer?
I see this essay question often with the harder-to-get-in type of schools. Be careful here, as they expect a solid response. Make summers...
Can I talk about my mental health in my college essay?
Recently, I've noticed a concerning uptick in the number of students asking whether it's appropriate for them to write about mental...